Ask a Dentist

February 5, 2021

Q: What is periodontitis and can my Winnipeg dentist help treat it?

Dentist and patient in a dental clinic

Periodontitis, also known as periodontal disease, is a severe case of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. 

Gum disease doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with poor oral hygiene habits. There are different types and stages of gum disease, the most common is gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis.  

Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis isn’t reversible. Treating periodontitis can involve surgery to fix gum and bone loss, and in more serious cases, it can cause intense pain. 

Here are some facts about periodontitis:

  • It causes constant inflammation that can put a strain on your immune system
  • It is linked with respiratory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease and problems with blood sugar control in diabetes
  • To treat it, you might need a soft tissue or bone graft

How To Tell If You Have Periodontal Disease

Here are the symptoms of this gum disease:

  • Gums are swollen or puffy, red and purplish, or tender and bleed easily 
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Pus forms between teeth and gums 
  • Loose teeth and loss of teeth 
  • Pain when chewing
  • New spaces develop between teeth 
  • Receding gums

It’s essential to schedule an appointment with a dentist right away if you have these symptoms, so they can help treat the damage from periodontitis. It is crucial to have this looked after as it can lead to other serious health conditions. 

What You Can Do To Prevent Periodontitis 

Good oral hygiene is important to ensure good oral health. When you make a habit of taking proper care of your teeth, you can steer clear from periodontitis and it protects you from other dental problems as well. So, don’t forget to floss daily and brush your teeth twice a day, and get to your dental checkups and cleanings!

Making sure your teeth and gums remain healthy and giving them a thorough cleaning is an important part of your oral health care. Your dentist will do regular checkups to check your current dental state, and the hygienist will remove tartar and plaque build up in your mouth. 

Book an appointment at one of the Dental Image Therapy Centres and learn more about your dental health today. We are conveniently located in Garden City Shopping Centre and St. Vital Centre. 

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